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UN Chief Calls on Regional Bloc Leaders to Address Wars and Existential Crises

2024-07-05 08:12:56.540000

During a meeting with leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged them to end ongoing wars and address existential crises such as climate change and the negative impacts of artificial intelligence. Guterres specifically mentioned several conflicts, including those in the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan, the Sahel, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, and Haiti, where ceasefires and lasting peace are urgently needed. He emphasized the importance of achieving peace in Afghanistan and establishing an inclusive government that respects human rights. Guterres also highlighted the need for collective action on climate change and the rise of digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. He called for ambitious measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, achieve climate justice, and transition to renewable energy. The UN chief proposed the creation of a UN AI Office to oversee efforts in addressing the challenges posed by artificial intelligence. Guterres expressed hope that the upcoming Summit of the Future will serve as a turning point in renewing global unity and addressing existential threats. [fa2a9ae9]

During the fourth Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development held in Cairo, Egypt, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for strengthened collaboration to counter terrorism and extremism across Africa. Guterres emphasized the need to safeguard human rights, counter terrorism and violent extremism, and silence the guns across the continent. He highlighted the importance of supporting peace operations led by regional partners, notably the African Union, and called for massive debt relief, lower borrowing costs, and expanded access to concessional finance for African countries. Guterres also stressed the need for infrastructure development, including investments in universal electrification and closing the digital divide. [ec0b3a72]

During the 49th anniversary commemoration of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), President Omar Touray emphasized the need for unity among member states to address the issue of insecurity in the sub-region. He highlighted that regional unity is crucial for maintaining peace and security, which are fundamental objectives established by the founding fathers of ECOWAS. President Touray acknowledged the achievements of ECOWAS in promoting free movement, intra-community trade, regional energy, and transport infrastructure, as well as governance and peace and security. However, he also acknowledged that insecurity remains a significant challenge, with some member states facing daily battles against terrorist groups.

In line with the focus on youth involvement, officials from Peace Network - The Gambia, Alasana Justice Jallow and Musa K. Ceesay, represented The Gambia at the 2024 ECOWAS Commission Youth Voices for Change Forum held in Accra from 5 to 6 June, 2024. The forum brought together youth leaders from across the ECOWAS sub-region to discuss youth digital innovation for inclusivity, regional economic growth, peace, and stability. Jallow expressed gratitude to the ECOWAS Commission for the opportunity to represent West African youth and emphasized the importance of youth involvement in promoting regional growth and development. He called for the meaningful involvement of youth in decision-making processes and encouraged them to be resilient and innovative. The Peace Network is a youth-led institution dedicated to promoting peace, security, and development in The Gambia and the ECOWAS Region.

An expert group convened in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, from June 12th to 13th, 2024, to advance the establishment of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council in West Africa (ECOSOCC-WA). The meeting focused on refining the foundational framework document, deliberating on a tentative 3-year work program and budget, and bolstering civil society's role in fostering peacebuilding and development across the ECOWAS community. The gathering facilitated collaboration among representatives from social and cultural ministries, the private sector, think tanks, and governance stakeholders across the 15 ECOWAS member states. ECOSOCC-WA aims to establish a platform for ECOWAS Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to support democracy, peace, and security initiatives, and enhance regional integration, conflict resolution, and inclusive development efforts. The meeting received support from ECOWAS partners, including USAID, WANEP, UNOWAS, and DANIDA. This meeting builds upon prior regional discussions held in Abuja, Nigeria, in February 2024, and an internal consultative workshop in Lagos, Nigeria, in December 2023. [3b546883]

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, has stated that terrorism, banditry, piracy, human trafficking, human rights abuses, the impact of climate change, bad governance, and other challenges are hindering peace, security, and economic development in the West African sub-region. He made these remarks at the first ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament in Abuja. Abbas emphasized the responsibility of the ECOWAS Parliament to address these challenges and promote democratic governance, the rule of law, and human rights. The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, also highlighted the need for unity, innovation, and belief in the shared destiny of the sub-region to overcome these challenges. [5468f163]

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