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China-Arab Relations: Strengthening Political and Economic Ties

2024-06-16 07:54:47.729000

The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum recently concluded in Beijing, resulting in the Beijing Declaration, which outlined a blueprint for the future of Arab-China relations. The declaration emphasized stronger political and economic ties, with a focus on investment, energy, infrastructure, science and technology, and culture [7cec1dd4]. Trade between China and the Arab world has grown nearly tenfold over the past two decades, reaching $400 billion. The UAE has played a significant role in strengthening Arab-Chinese relations, with trade cooperation between the UAE and China accounting for nearly a quarter of total Arab trade with China [7cec1dd4].

Politically, two-thirds of Arab countries have become strategic partners of Beijing, and all Arab states have signed on to China's Belt and Road Initiative. China's President Xi Jinping has proposed several initiatives to enhance Arab-Chinese cooperation, including the Belt and Road, a community of common interests, a comprehensive strategic partnership with the UAE, and a community with a shared future [7cec1dd4].

Cultural and scientific exchanges between China and the Arab world have also thrived. Thousands of Arab students are studying in China, and the Confucius Institute has opened branches in Arab countries [7cec1dd4].

The China-Arab Cooperation Forum has allowed Arab countries to coordinate their approach to China and counter pressure from the US to distance themselves from China. Arab countries have expressed little interest in joining one side or another in the US-China competition and instead aim to benefit from the continuing competition of the great powers [7cec1dd4].

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