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India Business Roadshow in Cebu: Exploring Trade and Partnership Opportunities

2023-10-21 14:16:16.003000

Thirty Indian businesses are expected to come to Cebu in November for a two-day business roadshow that aims to grow trade relations between India and Cebu in seven key priority areas. The roadshow will focus on agriculture, energy, infrastructure, innovative technology solutions, information technology-business process management, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and tourism. India and the Philippines registered a trade volume in surplus of US$3 billion last year. The roadshow aims to explore opportunities for trade and investments and generate awareness about the successes of Indian businesses. The collaboration between India and Cebu is beneficial for Cebu's business community, especially for those seeking new markets and products. India has the world's fifth largest economy and is fueled by key sectors such as information technology, services, agriculture, and manufacturing. The roadshow organizers are also open to exploring the idea of forging sister-city agreements and addressing urban planning challenges. [d00db7ee]

India and Cebu have been actively working to strengthen their trade relations and explore new avenues for collaboration. The upcoming business roadshow in Cebu is a significant step in this direction. With a focus on key priority areas such as agriculture, energy, infrastructure, technology, healthcare, and tourism, the roadshow aims to facilitate trade and investment opportunities between Indian businesses and Cebu. The trade volume between India and the Philippines exceeded US$3 billion last year, highlighting the potential for further growth and cooperation. The roadshow will not only showcase the successes of Indian businesses but also generate awareness about the opportunities available in Cebu for Indian investors. This collaboration is mutually beneficial, providing Cebu's business community with access to new markets and products, while India can leverage Cebu's strategic location and business-friendly environment. India's strong economy, driven by sectors like information technology, services, agriculture, and manufacturing, offers immense potential for partnership and growth. The organizers of the roadshow are also open to exploring the possibility of sister-city agreements and addressing urban planning challenges, further strengthening the ties between India and Cebu. [d00db7ee]

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