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Inflation, Election Lies, and Racial Tension Weigh on Voters in Georgia Swing County

2024-05-22 09:55:47.855000

Less than six months before the US presidential election on November 5th, anxiety over the economy looms large in Peach County, Georgia. This swing county, where Donald Trump narrowly won in 2020, is facing rising prices that voters say are making it difficult for them to afford basic necessities. The economy is the top priority for Georgia voters, with 32% of those polled stating it as their main concern. In 2020, Joe Biden won the state of Georgia by a slim margin of 0.2 percentage points, while Donald Trump won Peach County by just over 500 votes [df330d7b].

Inflation remains a significant concern for voters, and the ability to afford basic necessities is a worry for many. Despite Peach County's unemployment rate of 3.3%, which is below the national average of 3.9%, voters are still feeling the impact of rising prices. The candidates are now vying for the support of the 18% of voters who have not yet aligned with either party. Corruption is also a major concern for voters, both at the local and federal levels [df330d7b].

Race is another significant factor in Peach County, with a population that is 45% Black and 51% white. Historically, Democrats have won Black votes in Georgia by overwhelming margins, but Trump has been gaining ground with Black voters. Voters in Peach County are concerned about the resurgence of racism and division in politics. The economy, corruption, and racial tensions are expected to be important issues on the ballot in November [df330d7b].

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