v0.12 🌳  

N.R. Narayana Murthy and FPT's Truong Gia Binh Discuss Vietnam's Future and Foundations of Business Success

2024-05-22 08:02:41.427000

N.R. Narayana Murthy, Founder of Infosys, and Truong Gia Binh, Founder and Chairman of FPT Corporation, engaged in a dialogue about Vietnam's future and the values that drive successful business leadership. Murthy highlighted Vietnam's emergence as a global technology destination and predicted that it will become a leading developed nation in Asia. He emphasized the importance of respect in the workplace and the role of education and entrepreneurship in driving socio-economic progress. Binh expressed confidence in Vietnam's potential in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Automotive, Semiconductor, Digital Transformation, and Green Transition. Murthy's visit to Vietnam includes meetings with the country's Prime Minister and prominent companies to discuss topics critical to the growth of Vietnam's digital economy.

This dialogue between N.R. Narayana Murthy and Truong Gia Binh sheds light on Vietnam's future prospects and the key factors driving business success in the country. Murthy, the Founder of Infosys, praised Vietnam's emergence as a global technology destination and predicted that it will become a leading developed nation in Asia. He emphasized the importance of respect in the workplace and highlighted the role of education and entrepreneurship in driving socio-economic progress. Binh, the Founder and Chairman of FPT Corporation, expressed confidence in Vietnam's potential in various sectors, including Artificial Intelligence, Automotive, Semiconductor, Digital Transformation, and Green Transition. Murthy's visit to Vietnam includes meetings with the country's Prime Minister and prominent companies, indicating the significance of discussions on topics critical to Vietnam's digital economy [665680ac].

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