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US Manufacturing Group Calls for Stronger Protection Against Chinese Imports

2024-06-15 08:55:31.312000

A group called the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) has published a report calling for stronger protection against Chinese imports. The report echoes concerns raised by the Biden administration and U.S. allies about China's excess industrial capacity. The AAM is urging the U.S. to enact stronger trade barriers against Chinese imports and is specifically calling for the revival and modernization of the Section 421 safeguard. This safeguard allows the U.S. to impose temporary tariffs on imports from China. The report highlights the negative impact of Chinese imports on industries such as paper, glass, steel, and tires, which have experienced job losses and plant closures. The AAM also recommends steps to counter China's circumvention of U.S. tariffs by shifting production to third countries. These recommendations align with the efforts of G7 leaders to protect their industries from China's unfair practices [48c5fd5a] [ccdfadbd].

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