The animated series Invincible, based on the comic book series by Robert Kirkman, has several differences from the original comics. Some of the key differences include:
1. Amber Bennett, Mark's first love interest, has a larger role in the series and figures out Mark's secret earlier.
2. The Flaxans, an alien warrior race, are portrayed as stronger in the series and Mark even gets a Flaxan nemesis.
3. The origin of Mark's superhero name, Invincible, is different in the comics and the series.
4. The series has a more diverse cast compared to the comics, with characters designed to match their voice actors.
5. Cecil Stedman, the director of the Global Defense Agency, has a larger role in the series and confronts Omni-Man.
6. Debbie, Mark's mother, has a larger arc in the series and her influence is shown to have saved the world.
7. The Viltrumites, a race of alien invaders, are portrayed as more sadistic in the series.
8. Some characters and storylines are cut or have reduced roles in the animated series.
9. Omni-Man, Mark's father, is portrayed as more ruthless and less sympathetic in the series.
10. The redemption arc of Omni-Man is expanded in the series, with a greater emphasis on his relationship with Debbie.
Overall, the animated series takes some liberties with the original comics while still staying true to the source material. [fda2f545]