v0.32 🌳  

Former Academy of Sciences Employee Arrested in Kyrgyzstan for Inciting Mass Riots

2024-07-04 07:19:14.814000
[num] 24.kg

A former employee of the Academy of Sciences in Kyrgyzstan, Zhoomart Karabaev, has been arrested by the Pervomaisky District Court of Bishkek. He is charged with inciting mass riots and will be held in pre-trial detention until August 19. Karabaev had previously testified in the case against publicist Olzhabai Shakir, who was sentenced to five years in prison in May 2024 for preparing for mass riots [619bac3e].

This arrest comes in the midst of ongoing political tensions in Kyrgyzstan. The country has experienced a series of protests and political upheavals in recent years, including the overthrow of two presidents in 2005 and 2010. The government has been accused of cracking down on dissent and using the legal system to target political opponents. The arrest of Karabaev raises concerns about the state of freedom of expression and the rule of law in Kyrgyzstan [619bac3e].

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