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Superconductivity Scandal and Unconventional Superconductor Rock Scientific Community

2024-03-20 15:34:28.345000

Chinese researchers from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of superconductivity. They have identified a new superconducting material called (InSe) that exhibits record-breaking properties. This material has a transition temperature of 11.6 K, which is the highest among all transition metal sulfide superconductors at ambient pressure. Additionally, it demonstrates an exceptionally high critical current density of 8×10, surpassing all other transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) superconductors. This discovery has significant implications for advancing superconductivity research and has the potential to lead to the development of high-temperature superconductors with improved performance.

The Chinese researchers' discovery of the (InSe) superconducting material opens up new possibilities for the field of superconductivity. Superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance when cooled below a certain critical temperature. This property has numerous applications, including in the development of more efficient electrical transmission systems, advanced medical imaging devices, and high-speed electronic circuits.

The record-breaking transition temperature of 11.6 K achieved by the (InSe) material is a significant milestone in superconductivity research. Transition temperature is the temperature at which a material transitions from a normal conducting state to a superconducting state. The higher the transition temperature, the easier it is to achieve and maintain superconductivity. The (InSe) material's high transition temperature makes it more practical for real-world applications, as it can be cooled using relatively inexpensive and readily available cooling methods.

Furthermore, the (InSe) material exhibits an exceptionally high critical current density, which is a measure of the maximum amount of electrical current a superconductor can carry without losing its superconducting properties. The critical current density of 8×10 is the highest among all transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) superconductors. This high critical current density makes the (InSe) material highly desirable for applications that require the transportation of large amounts of electrical current, such as power transmission and energy storage systems.

The discovery of the (InSe) superconducting material by the Chinese researchers represents a significant advancement in the field of superconductivity. It not only sets a new record for transition temperature among transition metal sulfide superconductors but also demonstrates an exceptionally high critical current density. This breakthrough paves the way for further research and development in the field of superconductivity, with the potential to lead to the creation of high-temperature superconductors with improved performance.

In related news, Konstantin Novoselov, co-creator of graphene and Nobel Prize winner, has discovered unique properties in two compounds, rhenium diselenide (ReSe2) and rhenium disulfide (ReS2), which could be used in smart contact lenses and other applications [f4b00f55]. The materials have the ability to manipulate light and offer potential advancements in medicine, AI, and AR. Deeptech startup Xpanceo plans to bring the research to the market and apply the materials in optical devices, machine-learning computers, and laser-based blood tests. The materials could also enhance human color perception and enable faster and cheaper blood testing for disease diagnosis. Additionally, the researchers envision using the materials in photonic circuits for faster and more powerful computers. The discovery is considered groundbreaking and has significant potential for various industries and applications.

Japanese and Swiss scientists have also made a significant breakthrough in the field of materials science. They have developed a glass that can generate an electric current when exposed to light. The researchers used a femtosecond laser to etch a circuit onto the glass surface, creating a semiconductor crystal. This glass can now transmit electrical current, similar to a semiconductor. The technology is commended for its ability to modify a material without additional additives. The glass composition can be modified for increased practicality, making it lighter and thinner. This development has promising applications, including windows partially covered by the glass serving as a source of clean energy. The light-activated glass represents a step toward sustainable energy solutions and has the potential to revolutionize the field of smart windows [99915c7f].

However, amidst these groundbreaking discoveries, a scandal has emerged in the field of superconductivity research. Ranga Dias, a researcher at the University of Rochester, claimed to have discovered the first room-temperature superconductor, but his work was later retracted [ab1d6790]. An investigation reveals that Dias manipulated data, concealed information from his students, and shut them out of key steps in the research process. The investigation also raises questions about why the problems in Dias’s lab did not prompt stronger action by his collaborators, the journal team, and the university. Dias is now under investigation and has lost access to his lab. The scandal has damaged the careers of young scientists and raised concerns about the lack of industry-wide standards for investigating misconduct.

In another development, scientists have identified the first unconventional superconductor found in nature called miassite, a gray metallic mineral made of rhodium and sulfur. Miassite was initially identified as a regular superconductor in 2010, but recent tests have shown that it is also an unconventional superconductor. Conventional superconductors follow the BCS theory and require extremely low temperatures and high pressure to achieve superconductivity. Unconventional superconductors, like miassite, do not conform to the BCS theory and can achieve superconductivity at higher temperatures. Miassite is the first naturally occurring mineral to exhibit unconventional superconductivity. Although miassite is found in nature, it is unlikely that any natural sample would be superconductive. The researchers tested a lab-made sample of miassite, which passed all the superconductor tests. Miassite joins a category of natural superconductors that includes covellite, certain meteorites, parkerite, and palladseite. Miassite is typically found as an inclusion in other minerals and some deposits date back to 4.45 billion years ago. The discovery of miassite as a superconductor opens up new possibilities for the development of high-temperature superconductors.

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