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ClearSky Global Raises $168 Million to Deploy Low Carbon Alternative Fuels Across Canada and North America

2024-06-26 10:57:43.979000

In a recent funding announcement, ClearSky Global Corp. revealed that it has raised $168 million from a private international ESG investment group. The funding will be used to deploy ClearSky's ECOGY® technology, which produces high-quality, low-carbon aviation and transportation fuel. This investment will enable ClearSky to commercialize its first three facilities and accelerate their sustainability goals and emissions-reduction targets [235bc205].

ClearSky's ECOGY® technology utilizes modular and compact facilities with superior energy conversion technology. These facilities are designed to be placed at airports or other strategic locations, making them easily accessible for the aviation and transportation industries. The funding received by ClearSky represents the 5th largest early-stage venture capital raise in the clean fuels space globally [235bc205].

The CEO of ClearSky Global, Timothy J. Kozmyk, expressed confidence in the transformative potential of ECOGY® technology and the company's aggressive vision to operate across Canada and North America. This funding will allow ClearSky to expand its operations and contribute to the development of low-carbon alternative fuels, supporting the reduction of emissions in the aviation and transportation sectors [235bc205].

Darren Engels, the CEO of Tailwind Ventures, a Venture Development Bank™️ based in Calgary, Canada, highlighted the significant opportunity for ClearSky's ECOGY® technology to make a major impact in the aviation and transportation industries. The funding received by ClearSky will help drive innovation and sustainability in these sectors, paving the way for a greener future [235bc205].

The Honourable Matt Jones, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade, praised ClearSky's focus on the development of clean energy and its contribution to reducing emissions. This funding announcement aligns with Canada's commitment to transitioning to low-carbon alternatives and achieving its sustainability goals [235bc205].

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