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'Situational Awareness' for Personal Safety During Outings: Expert Advice

2023-10-26 23:07:07.340000

Lewiston, Maine may be over 1,500 miles from West Palm Beach, but the impact of the recent mass shooting in the United States is far-reaching. In light of this tragedy, an expert emphasizes the importance of 'situational awareness' for personal safety during outings. He advises individuals to be alert and attuned to their surroundings, noting physical cues such as the hair on their neck rising or getting goosebumps. Having an escape plan in mind is crucial, regardless of the venue, whether it be a concert, restaurant, or even a bowling alley. The expert suggests establishing a code word with a companion, enabling a swift and inconspicuous exit if something seems amiss. The article also highlights the sense of false security that can arise during lulls between incidents, only to be shattered by the occurrence of another mass shooting. While individuals may feel powerless to prevent such events, staying aware of one's surroundings is a vital step towards personal safety. [5e8dc363]

Bob Molina, a resident, expresses his uncertainty about preventing mass shootings but acknowledges the need to stay informed and aware of one's surroundings. He emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and personal safety. [5e8dc363]

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