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Indosat Launches Indonesian-Language AI Model, Samsung Expands Language Support for Galaxy AI

2024-07-01 20:08:13.844000

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, a publicly listed telecommunications firm in Indonesia, is set to launch a large language model (LLM) for the Indonesian language called Garuda in July [2d67d222]. The Garuda model, developed in collaboration with Indian developer Tech Mahindra, is built on the principles of the LLM Project Indus. It will enable artificial intelligence (AI) technology, such as ChatGPT, to understand interactions in the local language. Indosat has also partnered with tech giant NVIDIA to access its technology and develop local AI infrastructure in Indonesia. Through its subsidiary Lintasarta, Indosat will offer AI cloud services to public and private enterprises in the country [2d67d222].

In addition to its AI initiatives, Indosat has reported strong financial performance. In the first three months of the year, the company recorded Rp 13.8 trillion in revenue, marking a 15.8 percent increase compared to the same period last year. Indosat's customer base also grew by 2.3 percent year-on-year, reaching 100.8 million subscribers in the first quarter [2d67d222].

Samsung India has developed the Hindi AI model for Galaxy AI and expanded language support to include Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian [af0a813d]. The company's research and development center in Bengaluru collaborated with teams around the world to develop AI language models for British, Indian, and Australian English. The Hindi AI model required multiple rounds of training with a combination of translated and transliterated data. The team had to cover more than 20 regional dialects, tonal inflections, punctuation, and colloquialisms. The Vellore Institute of Technology provided a million lines of segmented and curated audio data for the task. Samsung's AI technology platform, Galaxy AI, now supports 16 languages. The expansion allows more people to use the language capabilities of Galaxy AI even when offline.

These developments highlight Indosat's commitment to expanding its digital services and infrastructure in Indonesia, as well as its efforts to provide innovative AI solutions to businesses and the public sector. The launch of the Garuda language model demonstrates Indosat's focus on advancing AI technology in the local language, which will have wide-ranging applications in various industries and sectors. With its strong financial performance, Indosat is well-positioned to continue investing in and driving the digital transformation of Indonesia's telecommunications sector.

Samsung India's expansion of language support for Galaxy AI showcases the company's dedication to enhancing the user experience for customers in different languages. The addition of Hindi, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian to the language support of Galaxy AI will enable more people to access and benefit from AI technology. Samsung's collaboration with linguists and experts ensures accuracy and cultural sensitivity in the language models. The expanded language support contributes to improved communication for global users and increased accessibility to AI services for non-English speakers. Samsung remains committed to ethical AI practices and transparency in model development, addressing concerns such as data privacy and biases in language processing [8ca4aac8].

These recent developments from Indosat and Samsung India demonstrate the growing focus on language support and AI technology in the telecommunications and technology sectors. Both companies are investing in the development of AI language models to cater to the specific needs of their respective markets. Indosat's launch of the Garuda language model will contribute to the advancement of AI technology in Indonesia, while Samsung India's expansion of language support for Galaxy AI will enhance the user experience for customers in multiple languages. These initiatives reflect the ongoing efforts to make AI technology more accessible and inclusive across different languages and regions [8ca4aac8].

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