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'When you’re lending, you have to be very conscious of risk': IDFC First Bank's boss V. Vaidyanathan on Indian economy, banking regulations and more

2024-01-16 09:17:59.805000

Indian banks are facing numerous challenges and uncertainties in the current global landscape. An article from Telangana Today discusses the strategies being employed by Indian banks to future-proof themselves and navigate through these challenges. The article highlights the impact of low bank branch density on deposit instability and the shift towards digital banking. It also raises concerns about the sustainability of the financial sector, the role of banks in climate change, and the need for preventive measures to avoid systemic risks. The article acknowledges the growth of Indian payment systems and the improvement in credit markets, but also addresses issues such as bad loans, customer grievances, and technology glitches. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of balancing economic growth with social welfare and the need for public consultation and mindset change among policymakers. [414fd9b2]

In a recent interview with Business Today, V. Vaidyanathan, MD & CEO of IDFC First Bank, shared his insights on the Indian economy, banking regulations, and more. Vaidyanathan discussed the changing perception of entrepreneurship in India and the growth of infrastructure financing. He emphasized the importance of digital public infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities in the MSME sector. Vaidyanathan also highlighted the need for more banks and NBFCs in India to meet the financial needs of the population. He stressed the importance of risk management in lending and the positive impact of reforms and governance in the Indian banking sector. Vaidyanathan mentioned the interest of international players in investing in Indian infrastructure projects and the success of the start-up ecosystem in India. [61fa9fc7]

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