v0.07 🌳  

Sierra Commons Welcomes New Leaders to Board of Directors

2024-03-30 20:18:28.973000

Sierra Commons, a business education-focused organization in Sierra, has announced its new leadership team for 2024 [96588566]. The organization aims to support small businesses and entrepreneurs in the local economy. Ean Price Murphy has been appointed as the new Board President. With experience in small business and non-profit finances, Murphy is expected to bring valuable expertise to the role. The Board of Directors also includes Leslie Kerns, Jean-Roux Bezuidenhout, Coryon Redd, and Lars Örtegren. Kerns has previously served as the Registry Manager for the In-Home Supportive Services Program, while Bezuidenhout has a background in design and the tech sector. Örtegren is the Co-Founder of California Solar Electric Co. In 2023, Sierra Commons was involved with 14 new business start-ups and provided guidance to 83 businesses [96588566].

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