A Feminist Retelling of George Orwell's '1984'

2023-10-24 15:16:20.638000
[num] KRDO

Sandra Newman has produced a feminist retelling of George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' titled 'Julia' [34592d9a]. The novel explores how the story might have looked if it had been told from the perspective of a woman. Newman gives Julia, a marginalized character in Orwell's original work, a last name, a fully developed backstory, and a rebellion driven by love. The article questions why Julia is characterized by traditional 'feminine' traits and why she isn't portrayed as an intellectual rebel in her own right. It also discusses the division within the women's movement between maternalist or biological feminists and equal rights feminists, suggesting that Newman's book aligns with the former camp. The article explores the implications of Newman's retelling and how it relates to Orwell's original work [34592d9a].

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