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Michigan Launches Online Calculator to Help Households Determine Savings from Energy-Efficient Upgrades

2024-06-17 02:55:05.413000

President Joe Biden's clean energy agenda has had a significant impact on Michigan's economy since taking office in 2021. His efforts have attracted over $21 billion in private sector investments to the state, creating jobs in industries such as clean energy and electric vehicles. Specific investments include General Motors' $7 billion investment in four manufacturing sites, Ford's $2 billion investment and hiring of 3,200 manufacturing workers, and Pfizer's $870 million investment in expanding pharmaceutical production.

In addition to private sector investments, Michigan has also received $5.2 billion in federal funding for 208 infrastructure projects, including transportation and clean water projects. These investments have helped to reduce Michigan's unemployment rate to 4.3% and create 332,000 jobs since Biden took office. Emergency relief measures have also supported small businesses, keeping thousands of them open.

Biden's clean energy agenda includes expanding electric vehicle opportunities and protecting against extreme weather, which is particularly relevant in Michigan as the state faces the impacts of the climate crisis. Michigan residents are also benefiting from cost savings in healthcare premiums, prescription drugs, high-speed internet, and home energy costs.

Overall, President Biden's efforts in Michigan have had a positive impact on the state's economy, creating jobs, attracting investments, and providing support to small businesses. While there is still work to be done, Biden's clean energy agenda and economic policies deserve credit and support for re-election.

President Biden's clean energy agenda has also led to the launch of a Michigan Energy Efficient Upgrade Savings Calculator. The calculator, developed by Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Rewiring America, is hosted on the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy's website. It provides personalized estimates of energy upgrade savings for homeowners and renters based on their household details. The calculator takes into account the federal incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act, which encourages households to switch from fossil fuel-powered appliances to electric-powered alternatives. On average, households can save up to $2,000 per year on energy bills through these upgrades.

Michigan is one of the first states to have its own version of the calculator, which was developed with $5 million in funding and a team of 12 fellows from Rewiring America's Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation. This initiative highlights Michigan's position as a national leader in attracting clean energy-related federal funding and securing clean energy projects. The state has been successful in landing projects from the Inflation Reduction Act, further boosting its clean energy sector.

The Michigan Energy Efficient Upgrade Savings Calculator is a valuable tool for residents to estimate their potential savings and make informed decisions about energy upgrades. It aligns with President Biden's clean energy agenda and supports Michigan's transition to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, in partnership with the nonprofit group Rewiring America, has developed an online calculator to help Michigan households determine potential savings from upgrading to energy-efficient technologies. The calculator asks users for basic information such as zip code, income, and household size, and allows them to select energy-saving items they are interested in, such as induction stoves, heat pumps, solar panels, clothes dryers, and electric vehicles. It then provides an estimate of potential savings, taking into account rebates and incentives. Michigan is among the first states to have such a calculator that integrates state and local incentives, as well as federal incentives and rebates from President Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act. Rewiring America states that 42% of U.S. energy-related carbon emissions come from household items, and transitioning to a zero-carbon economy requires replacing these items with clean energy-powered alternatives. The calculator aims to make home upgrades more affordable and accessible to all, and help increase public awareness about available discounts and benefits. [fb4f0065]

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