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Macron and Scholz Call for Strengthening European Sovereignty

2024-05-29 15:35:39.742000

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz have called for the strengthening of European sovereignty. They argue that Europe needs to be more independent and less reliant on the United States and China. Macron and Scholz believe that Europe should have its own digital infrastructure, military capabilities, and economic policies. They also emphasize the importance of European unity and cooperation in addressing global challenges. The leaders made these remarks during a joint press conference in Paris [5eb854a2].

The call for European sovereignty comes amid increasing geopolitical tensions and the need for Europe to assert itself on the global stage. Macron and Scholz's proposal aligns with the discussions at the European Union leaders' meeting, where they are discussing a new 'European Competitiveness Deal' to address the economic production gap with the United States and China. The proposed measures aim to provide a strategic response to the challenges posed by China and the United States in key industries and enhance Europe's competitiveness. The leaders also emphasize the need for more investment and better integration of the bloc's financial markets [5eb854a2] [264dff21].

Macron and Scholz's call for European sovereignty reflects the broader sentiment among European elites who are expressing frustration amid competition from the US and China. Europe's economy is facing mounting threats from innovative, low-cost Chinese producers. The EU lacks a clear strategy to resist US pressure and assert its own interests. Macron warns that Europe is becoming increasingly irrelevant in international politics and must be able to speak according to its own interests. The call for European sovereignty is a response to the need for Europe to reform from within and revive its competitiveness [5eb854a2] [bc12c9da].

In addition to advocating for European sovereignty, Macron and Scholz also highlight the importance of European unity and cooperation. They emphasize the need for a 'buy European' strategy in key sectors such as defense and trade rules that promote fair competition. The leaders call for progress on a capital markets union and the use of existing EU instruments for common projects and public procurement. They also discuss the idea of closer cooperation on strengthening Europe's air defenses. These proposals align with the discussions at the EU leaders' summit, where they are defining the strategic priorities for the European Commission's next five-year mandate [5eb854a2] [756aa1f6] [f2c0846a].

The call for European sovereignty and the emphasis on European unity and cooperation are part of the broader discussions on enhancing Europe's competitiveness and addressing the challenges posed by China and the United States. The EU is facing multiple challenges, including supply chain disruptions, an energy crisis, and the need for significant funds to support the green transition and help Ukraine. The EU's economy has fallen further behind China and the United States, and the bloc's economic stagnation has lasted more than 18 months. The EU needs additional funding for the green transition and to support Ukraine [19525d43].

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has also emphasized the EU's commitment to protecting its economy and security amid strained trade relations with China. She stated that while fair play from China benefits everyone, Europe will not hesitate to take tough measures to safeguard its economy and security. Von der Leyen highlighted imbalances in trade, particularly in sectors such as steel, and expressed concern over China's support for its manufacturing sector. She also criticized China for not allowing fair access to its market and stated that Europe is ready to make full use of its tools to address market-distorting practices. French President Macron also urged China to accept fair global trade rules [eab0416a].

The call for European sovereignty and the emphasis on European unity and cooperation reflect the urgent need for Europe to assert itself on the global stage and address the challenges posed by China and the United States. The EU leaders' summit provides an opportunity for EU leaders to define the strategic priorities for the European Commission's next five-year mandate and discuss necessary reforms to enhance Europe's competitiveness [5eb854a2] [f2c0846a].

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