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Spotting the Next Technology Breakthrough: Factors and Examples

2024-03-29 05:59:36.036000

In a recent article by Forbes India, authors Andrew Shipilov and Francesco Burelli discuss the factors that can predict the emergence of the next technology breakthrough. The article emphasizes the importance of public attention, investment, and complements in reaching the inflection point of a technology. The authors provide examples of technologies that have passed the inflection point, such as mRNA and generative AI (GenAI), while noting that quantum computing is still in the early stages [bb92fed3].

The article highlights the interconnectedness of the three factors: public attention, investment, and complements. These factors can reinforce each other to push a technology beyond the inflection point. Public attention plays a crucial role in driving the adoption and development of a technology. When a technology captures the public's imagination and generates widespread interest, it attracts more investment and resources. Investment, in turn, fuels further research and development, leading to breakthroughs and advancements. Complements, such as supporting technologies, infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks, also contribute to the success of a technology [bb92fed3].

The authors emphasize the need for companies to consider public attention and emerging complements when formulating their technology strategy. By understanding the factors that contribute to the success of a technology, companies can make informed decisions and position themselves to take advantage of emerging opportunities. The article provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to identify and capitalize on the next technology breakthrough [bb92fed3].

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