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Online Event to Foster Vietnamese-Japanese Business Connections in Eco Tech Industry

2024-06-01 04:56:06.781000

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and SME Support Japan will co-organize an online business matching event in September to facilitate connections between Vietnamese businesses in the Eco tech industry and leading Japanese companies. The event will focus on various areas such as new energy, energy-saving machinery and systems, new materials, water and wastewater treatment, urban development, and ecological and sustainable technology. Its goal is to provide practical opportunities for Vietnamese businesses to explore new market trends and directly engage with potential partners from Japan. Japan is a crucial market and a key economic and trade partner for Vietnam, and this event is expected to contribute to the industry's strong and sustainable transformation [ec76b2f0].

In addition to the upcoming business matching event, Vietnam and Japan have been strengthening their economic and trade ties. The two countries have a long-standing partnership, and Japan has been a leading investor in Vietnam. The event is part of ongoing efforts to further enhance collaboration and create more opportunities for businesses in both countries. The Eco tech industry, with its focus on sustainability and innovation, presents significant potential for growth and mutually beneficial partnerships between Vietnamese and Japanese companies. This event will play a crucial role in fostering these connections and driving the industry forward [ec76b2f0].

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