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Marijuana Legalization Boosts Job Opportunities in Agriculture, Including for Exploited Chinese Migrants

2024-07-02 18:00:59.872000

Large numbers of migrants from China are crossing into the U.S. and finding work on marijuana farms. Some businesses are accused of exploiting workers and violating state growing rules. Chinese migrants are taking unauthorized border crossings into the U.S. via Mexico. Chinese workers on a farm in New Mexico were found underfed, scared, and unpaid. Chinese migrants are attracted to the flourishing U.S. cannabis market. Chinese workers are being trafficked and exploited on cannabis farms. Chinese investors are funding and managing cannabis farms in the U.S. Chinese workers are taking jobs on cannabis farms after struggling to find work in China during the pandemic lockdown. Chinese migrants are using social media and agents to get to the U.S. Chinese migrants are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in large numbers. Chinese migrants encountered by U.S. border authorities increased significantly in the past year. Chinese migrants are taking the land route to the U.S. used by Caribbean and South American migrants. Chinese migrants are being introduced to labor agencies in the U.S. by fellow Chinese immigrants. Chinese workers on cannabis farms in New Mexico were found living in poor conditions and working long hours. Chinese investors are eager to invest in the U.S. cannabis market. Chinese investors have invested in marijuana farms in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Chinese investors have faced legal challenges and problems with their investments in marijuana farms. Chinese investors have lost money in marijuana farm investments. Chinese investors have been victims of fraud and scams in the U.S. cannabis industry. Chinese workers on marijuana farms have been subjected to abuse and exploitation. Chinese workers on marijuana farms have been prevented from leaving and have not been paid. Chinese workers on marijuana farms have applied for asylum in the U.S. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico had visible burns and were malnourished. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found in poor living conditions. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that violated state growing limits. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was fined $1 million. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm with trash and chemicals leaking into the ground. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was raided by authorities. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm managed by Chinese people. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm funded by Chinese people. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm with a hodgepodge of greenhouses. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm where they were not paid. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm where they slept in wooden sheds with dirt floors. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm where their phones and passports were taken away. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that promised to cover food and shelter but did not. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that violated zoning regulations. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that had poor waste and water usage practices. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was raided by authorities for exceeding state grow limits. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico have applied for asylum in the U.S. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm managed by a man from China's Shandong province. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm where they worked alongside the manager and his relatives. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was fined $1 million for violating state growing limits. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm where they were malnourished and had visible burns. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was described as a big dirt field. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was raided by authorities for poor conditions and zoning violations. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that had chemicals leaking into the ground. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was described as a disastrous grow. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that had trash and water leaking into the ground. Chinese workers on a marijuana farm in New Mexico were found on a farm that was described as weathered and scared. A new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that marijuana legalization may actually increase job opportunities. Researchers explored the impact of recreational marijuana legalization (RML) on employment and wages, comparing states with and without legalization. The study found no evidence of significant negative impacts on the economy and workforce. Instead, RML is linked to small employment increases in the agricultural sector, especially in states like California, Colorado, and Oregon. The study also noted modest employment gains for Hispanics and people over 30. These findings align with previous research, including a 2021 study that associated legalization with higher workforce productivity and fewer workplace injuries. [1a07f277]

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