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Flinders University Partners with US Navy to Boost Defense Innovation

2023-11-06 01:38:17.896000

Flinders University, in a landmark agreement, has partnered with the US Navy's NUWC Division Newport, becoming the first Australian institution to do so. The Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) aims to enhance defense research capabilities, particularly in undersea technology. The partnership is expected to create thousands of jobs in South Australia and contribute to the region's naval shipbuilding program. Flinders University President expressed pride in the university's role in submarine defense capabilities. The Chief Technology Officer at NUWC Division Newport highlighted the mutual benefits of the collaboration. The partnership is poised to deliver transformative research and educational outcomes. [d699a546]

Image: [Preview](https://glamadelaide.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/flinders-university.jpg)

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