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Liontrust Asset Management Optimistic About Global Financial Markets

2024-05-28 06:54:12.320000

Liontrust Asset Management believes there are many opportunities in global financial markets today. They are positive about nine of the 22 asset types they assess, with most of the remainder scoring a neutral three. Liontrust is biased towards being overweight in equities, especially those in the UK, Japan, Asia ex-Japan, and emerging markets. They remain broadly neutral on fixed income but positive regarding investment-grade corporate bonds. Liontrust sees a global economy that is in reasonable shape, with companies generating good revenues, low unemployment, and real wage growth. Risks include continued geopolitical conflicts and tensions, as well as the fall in inflation not being as quick as anticipated. Liontrust believes that as long-term investors, the precise timing of rate cuts is less important than the broad direction of travel. [4d1c19df]

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