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USDA Funds Projects to Improve Rural Infrastructure in South Carolina

2024-05-14 18:58:08.381000

Over 121,000 people in South Carolina will gain access to reliable electricity through three projects funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The projects, funded through the Electric Infrastructure Loan and Loan Guarantee Program, aim to improve electric infrastructure, smart-grid technologies, and renewable energy systems. The projects include Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative Inc., which will connect 8,480 consumers and build and improve 586 miles of line; Aiken Electric Cooperative, which will connect 3,588 consumers, build and improve 192 miles of line, and construct headquarters facilities; and Haywood EMC, which will connect 919 consumers and build 70 miles of line. These investments are part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda to boost the economy and create opportunities in rural communities. [a1c5958c]

In addition to the projects funded by the USDA, the Rural Electrification Programme (REP) managed by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) will wire more than 200 houses in southeast Clarendon, Jamaica. The project will be implemented in two stages, with the initial phase commencing in Unity Heights early next year. The REP's primary goal is to enhance electricity accessibility in rural parts of Jamaica. [ec951830]

Furthermore, a housing scheme is being built in Shieldstown, West Bank Berbice, Jamaica, which is expected to benefit 1000 families. The scheme extends to Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice, and Blairmont, West Bank Berbice. [9b763408]

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