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China's Diplomatic Presence Surpasses the US, but Influence Remains Uncertain

2024-06-09 21:54:58.541000

China has narrowly surpassed the United States in terms of global diplomatic presence, with 274 diplomatic missions compared to the US's 271, according to the Global Diplomacy Index published by the Lowy Institute. However, having more diplomatic missions does not necessarily translate into greater power and influence. China overtook the US in the number of diplomatic missions in 2019, and despite the US opening more missions since then, China has maintained its lead. China's diplomatic network is more extensive in Africa, East Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Central Asia, while the US has a stronger presence in Europe, North and Central America, and South Asia. This competition for diplomatic posts reflects the broader geopolitical rivalry between the two countries as they seek to shape the international order and secure their positions as global powers.

China has also surpassed the US as the most influential global power in Africa, according to the latest edition of the Rating World Leaders report by Gallup. China recorded its highest leadership approval rating in Africa in a decade, with double-digit increases in approval coming mostly from West African countries. China is currently Africa's biggest single trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching a record $282.1 billion in 2023. The US also saw increases in approval ratings from certain African countries, but its overall median approval across the continent dipped by three points. Germany's leadership image improved slightly, while Russia remained the least popular. The report indicates that China's Belt and Road Initiative has helped deepen its footprint and influence in Africa.

The United States is reflecting on its declining global power and struggling to understand why China is gaining influence in Africa. The US has a negative attitude towards other countries and suffers from self-righteousness, which has led to a loss of credibility. In contrast, China delivers on its promises and takes advantage of American blunders to identify with the plight of the Global South. China's approach is humble, reasonable in cost, and avoids geopolitical ridicule. The arrogance of the United States and its double standards have resulted in geopolitical losses. China's ability to deliver on projects increases its global acceptability, which annoys the United States. The US deals with Africa disdainfully, while China takes advantage of American blunders to deepen its penetration into Africa. [6d4e1293]

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