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The BRICS Expansion: Seeking a Clear Purpose

2023-10-10 23:11:11.698000

The expansion of the BRICS coalition has raised questions about the group's purpose and achievements thus far. In an opinion piece by Jim O'Neill for GlobalCapital, he emphasizes the need for the BRICS alliance to define its aims as it continues to grow. O'Neill points out that the group has not achieved much and highlights the importance of having a clear purpose for the expansion. This article underscores the ongoing discussions surrounding the BRICS expansion and the necessity for the coalition to establish its objectives [f40d4884].

The whispers of a new world order led by the BRICS coalition have gained momentum in recent years. As the group challenges the Western World Order, the need for a clear purpose becomes even more crucial. O'Neill's article highlights the lack of achievements by the BRICS alliance and emphasizes the importance of defining its aims. This analysis sheds light on the ongoing discussions surrounding the expansion of BRICS and the need for a clear purpose to guide its growth [f40d4884].

The BRICS coalition's expansion has prompted discussions about the group's purpose and achievements. In an opinion piece by Jim O'Neill, he emphasizes the need for a clear purpose as the alliance continues to grow. O'Neill points out that the group has not achieved much and highlights the importance of defining its aims. This article brings attention to the ongoing conversations surrounding the BRICS expansion and the necessity for the coalition to establish its objectives [f40d4884].

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