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Private Sector Advisory Council and Millennium Challenge Corp. Meeting Strengthens US-PH Economic Cooperation

2024-02-12 13:22:49.557000

The Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) recently held a meeting with the Millennium Challenge Corp. (MCC) to reinforce economic collaboration between the United States and the Philippines. The meeting, attended by MCC Chief Executive Alice Albright, PSAC Strategic Convenor Sabin Aboitiz, and leads Henry Aguda and Irwin Lee, aimed to foster economic growth and poverty reduction through collaborative efforts between governments and the private sector. The PSAC was established by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. as a proactive approach to engage directly with the private sector in various areas, including agriculture, digital infrastructure, healthcare, infrastructure, jobs, and tourism. MCC Philippines Director Sarah Olmstead emphasized the importance of working closely with Philippine counterparts to identify key policy areas for support. Y. Robert Ewing, the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy, highlighted the significant economic partnership between the US and the Philippines. [9b9eba91]

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