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Traders Expect Gold Prices to Remain High Amid Global Economic Uncertainty

2024-06-25 00:57:10.478000

Gold prices have reached an all-time high, currently at over $2,250 an ounce, up about 38% from its last low point in 2022. Despite the high prices, many market watchers still see potential in gold as it tends to move differently than traditional investments. Gold is considered a store of value during periods of inflation and is expected to hold up in risk-off markets. The recent uptrend in gold can be attributed to a rising tide in the market and a weakening U.S. dollar. Experts believe that gold will continue to rise, especially with the projected interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. However, investing experts caution that gold should play a different role in a portfolio compared to stocks or bonds and should not be a major building block. Warren Buffett, for example, avoids investing in gold and prefers assets that produce returns over the long term. While gold provides peace of mind during market declines, assets that grow and deliver returns at a compounding rate are considered better long-term investments. [5d31a303]

Incrementum AG, an investment research firm, has released its annual In Gold We Trust report, recommending that investors hold 25% of their portfolio in gold. The report highlights structural changes in the global economy, such as the end of the Great Moderation Trade and the growing inflation threat, as reasons to invest in gold. Incrementum AG forecasts gold prices to reach $4,800 an ounce in the next six years. The report emphasizes the growing influence of emerging market central bank demand and robust retail demand in China and India. It states that central banks are looking for a neutral asset as they move away from the U.S. dollar and bonds. The report suggests that investors should consider a more balanced portfolio, including holding up to 25% in physical gold bars and coins. While the report acknowledges potential risks, such as higher interest rates and a stock market crash, it sees long-term potential for gold. [cb49b271]

Ronnie Stoeferle, a fund manager and author of the annual 'In Gold We Trust' report, believes that the price of gold reaching $4,800 by 2030 is a realistic possibility. Stoeferle cites factors such as loose monetary policy, rising inflation, and increasing demand for gold as reasons for the potential price increase. Stoeferle's views are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Kitco Metals Inc., the publisher of the article. The article also mentions other news related to gold, such as India repatriating over 100 tonnes of gold from the Bank of England to RBI vaults and the impact of crude oil prices on gold and silver. [5661382e]

Gold Safe Exchange, a top Gold IRA company, shares recent market analyses that project a bullish outlook for gold prices through 2025. Gold has already seen impressive gains in 2024, reaching a record high of $2,449.89 per ounce in May and currently trading around $2,300 per ounce. Citi experts predict that gold prices could surge to $3,000 per ounce over the next 12 months. Factors supporting this bullish outlook include economic resilience, potential economic shifts, and Federal Reserve policies. Gold Safe Exchange is dedicated to helping clients make informed decisions in the precious metals market. Holding gold in an IRA can help hedge against inflation, diversify retirement assets, and provide physical ownership. Contact Gold Safe Exchange at 1-800-341-6727 for more information. [7496023b]

Traders expect gold prices to remain high over the next 3-5 years due to global economic uncertainty and geopolitical conflicts. They recommend investors allocate 5-15% of their portfolio to gold as a safe-haven asset. The domestic gold price in Thailand has risen by about 20% this year, supported by a depreciation of the baht. Short-term profit-taking may cause temporary dips in gold prices, but the long-term trend remains upward. The next support level is $2,228 an ounce or 38,700 baht per one-baht weight. The price of gold in the international market is expected to face resistance at $2,500 an ounce this quarter. Key factors supporting continued gold purchases include central banks worldwide selling other assets to increase their gold holdings and the high level of US public debt. The upcoming US election in November may impact gold prices, especially if Donald Trump wins. Anticipated interest rate cuts by the US Federal Reserve could also positively impact gold prices. [daca0817]

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