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The Correlation Between Dad Fashion and Economic Sentiment

2023-11-30 14:51:53.480000

Dad fashion, also known as dadcore, is making a comeback in the fashion world. This trend, characterized by comfortable and practical clothing choices, is gaining popularity among Gen Z and millennials. The resurgence of dad fashion can be attributed to the current economic situation, with high prices, a cooled job market, and low consumer sentiment. A New York Times/Siena College poll revealed that only 11% of Americans aged 18 to 29 feel positive about the economy. Dad fashion tends to emerge during periods of economic uncertainty, as seen in previous eras of dad fashion during the mid-90s and the 2010s. The practical and pragmatic nature of dads may be reflected in their fashion choices, which exude a sense of economic grumpiness. The revival of dadcore is happening alongside a more "Roaring 20s" look, driven by the internet's influence on subcultures. Dad fashion has transitioned from being a subculture to a mainstream phenomenon, with many iterations of the same style. [1c2198b4]

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