v0.24 🌳  

Disagreement Arises Over Ownership and Relaunch of National Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Nigeria

2024-06-29 09:16:15.861000

A disagreement has emerged between the former Communications & Digital Economy Minister, Isa Pantami, and his successor, Bosun Tijani, regarding the ownership and relaunch of the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (NCAIR) in Nigeria. Tijani recently announced the relaunch of NCAIR, highlighting the benefits of adopting AI technologies. However, Pantami disagrees, stating that the center had already been built and commissioned in November 2020. The ministers hold different perspectives on the potential of AI to drive economic prosperity and innovation in Nigeria. The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (NAIS) workshop was held to co-create a comprehensive national AI strategy, resulting in a draft national AI strategy document. The motives and commitment of the ministers to serving Nigeria have been questioned [f085e5cf].

This disagreement between the former and current Communications & Digital Economy Ministers, Isa Pantami and Bosun Tijani, respectively, revolves around the ownership and relaunch of the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (NCAIR) in Nigeria. Tijani recently announced the relaunch of NCAIR, emphasizing the benefits of adopting AI technologies. However, Pantami disputes this, claiming that the center had already been built and commissioned in November 2020. The ministers' differing perspectives on the potential of AI to drive economic prosperity and innovation in Nigeria have come to the forefront. The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (NAIS) workshop was conducted to collaboratively develop a comprehensive national AI strategy, resulting in the creation of a draft national AI strategy document. The motives and dedication of the ministers to serving Nigeria have been called into question [f085e5cf].

In other news, a Northern Ireland man has created a start-up called Symphony, which has developed an 'artificial intelligence employee' named Alice. Alice is an AI-powered virtual employee designed to revolutionize the workplace. Symphony has received millions of pounds in funding and aims to assist with various tasks such as customer service, data analysis, and administrative work. The start-up's hub in Belfast is expected to create 17 highly paid jobs. The importance of tourism to jobs in Northern Ireland is emphasized, and the challenges of defining a good job are discussed [36eaba5e].

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