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The Challenges and Uncertainties Surrounding Multi-Domain Operations

2024-01-22 10:44:45.554000

The concept of multi-domain operations, initially developed by the U.S. Army since at least 2015, is now guiding the transformation and modernization of Western armed forces. However, there are concerns about whether multi-domain operations will mature into a fully functional warfighting concept [ad2b4637]. A year-long study found that there are few clear answers to whether multi-domain operations will actually help win wars. The development of successful warfighting concepts in the past has required a shared understanding across services and allies, clear threats, a theory of success, and mature technologies [ad2b4637]. The current state of multi-domain operations development in NATO countries and their partners reveals a lack of clarity, confusion in terminology, poor regime fit within existing political and military structures, technological immaturity, vague threats, and a lack of a theory of success [ad2b4637]. Recommendations include shifting from thinkers to doers, focusing on concrete operational problems, being specific about adversaries, aligning efforts within NATO and allies, and considering the availability of technologies [ad2b4637]. The Chinese approach to multi-domain operations appears more robust compared to Western military organizations [ad2b4637].

In a dynamic of modernization aimed at a deadline beyond 2040, the French armies are prioritizing long-term effectiveness over short or medium-term response capabilities [6b43510e]. The French Minister of the Armed Forces recognizes the need for the tank segment to evolve in the coming decades [6b43510e]. The French Navy is also sacrificing short-term needs to finance long-term programs [6b43510e]. Many major programs in the French military are expected to significantly enhance operational capabilities, but their completion is projected to be beyond 2040 [6b43510e]. The adequacy of the French military programming calendar and its major programs in relation to the trajectory of international tensions is being questioned [6b43510e]. This raises the question of whether the French armies are on track operationally and technologically for their modernization goals beyond 2040 [6b43510e].

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