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Stoke: Revolutionizing Space Exploration with Fully Reusable Rockets

2023-10-06 01:48:39.097000
[num] NFX [num] NFX

Historically, rockets have been disposable. NASA has spent billions of dollars on rockets that could only be used once. SpaceX partially changed the game with Falcon 9, which is partially reusable. However, the goal is to make space travel economically viable by reducing transportation costs. Currently, SpaceX dominates the commercial space industry, but it is important to have multiple players for the sake of the economy and national security.

Enter Stoke, a new software tool that aims to minimize the upfront time of getting a VC meeting. NFX, a prominent venture capital firm, has recently doubled down on Stoke, recognizing its potential to revolutionize the space exploration industry.

Stoke's vision aligns with the importance of developing reusable rockets for the future of space exploration. By developing the first 100% reusable rocket, Stoke aims to make space travel more accessible and economically viable. This aligns with NFX's belief in the significance of having multiple players in the commercial space industry.

With its innovative approach and the backing of NFX, Stoke has the potential to disrupt the space exploration landscape. By reducing the upfront time and costs associated with VC meetings, Stoke can accelerate the development of reusable rockets and contribute to the advancement of space exploration.

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