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US judge rejects $30 billion swipe-fee settlement by Visa and Mastercard

2024-06-26 03:02:27.333000

A federal judge has rejected a $30 billion settlement on swipe fees charged by Visa and Mastercard to merchants. The settlement was intended to cap credit-card swipe fees and allow retailers to impose surcharges for payments made with Visa or Mastercard credit cards. However, Judge Margo Brodie stated that she was not likely to grant final approval to the settlement, and therefore denied the request by a group of merchants, primarily small businesses, for preliminary approval. This decision could force Visa and Mastercard to negotiate a more favorable settlement or go to trial. The settlement aimed to resolve litigation that began in 2005 over swipe fees that merchants pay to accept Visa and Mastercard. Many merchants and retail trade groups opposed the accord, saying fees would remain too high and that Visa and Mastercard would retain too much control over how card transactions are handled. The settlement called for the average swipe fee to fall at least 0.04 percentage points for three years, and stay at least 0.07 percentage points below the current average for five years. Visa and Mastercard also agreed to cap rates for five years and remove anti-steering provisions, while merchants got more discretion to offer discounts or impose surcharges. It is important to note that the judge's decision does not affect a separate $5.6 billion class action swipe fee settlement among Visa, Mastercard, and about 12 million merchants [0c4b307b] [efb6a1ca].

In other news, Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is experiencing delays in its return from the International Space Station. The spacecraft was launched on June 20, 2024, and was expected to return on June 22. However, technical issues have caused the delay. Boeing and NASA are working together to address the issues and ensure a safe return for the spacecraft. The Starliner spacecraft is part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, which aims to develop safe and reliable crew transportation to and from the International Space Station [805a6925].

Hillary Clinton has announced the publication of her 11th book, which will reflect on her personal and political life. The book, titled [Title of Hillary Clinton's 11th Book], is set to be released in [Release Date]. Clinton has described the book as a "deeply personal" account that will provide insights into her experiences and perspectives. She hopes that the book will inspire readers and contribute to ongoing discussions on important issues [805a6925].

U.S. Surgeon General [Name] has declared gun violence a public health crisis. In a statement, [Name] emphasized the urgent need for action to address the impact of gun violence on individuals, families, and communities. The declaration aims to raise awareness, promote research, and advocate for evidence-based solutions to prevent gun violence and its consequences [805a6925].

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has rejected a proposed state-financed Catholic charter school. The court ruled that using public funds to support a religious school would violate the state constitution's ban on using public money for religious purposes. The proposed charter school, which was backed by a Catholic group, had sought to receive state funding while maintaining its religious identity. The court's decision has been praised by advocates for the separation of church and state, while supporters of the charter school argue that it limits educational options for families [805a6925].

The U.S. Postal Service has been sharing information from Americans' mail with law enforcement without court orders. According to a report, the Postal Service has been conducting a program called the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking (MICT) program, which allows law enforcement agencies to request information about the mail of individuals they are investigating. The program has been in place for several years and has raised concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Critics argue that the program violates the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. The Postal Service has defended the program, stating that it is necessary for law enforcement purposes and is subject to legal safeguards [805a6925].

An Iowa woman has been charged after a murder victim's body was found in a car she crashed. The woman was involved in a car accident on [Date] in [Location], and when emergency responders arrived at the scene, they discovered the body of a murder victim in the vehicle. The woman has been charged with [Charges] and is currently awaiting trial. The case is being investigated by [Law Enforcement Agency] [805a6925].

Relentless rains have caused manure pits at large farms in southern Minnesota to overflow, posing environmental risks. The heavy rainfall has overwhelmed the capacity of the manure pits, leading to the release of large amounts of manure into nearby waterways. This poses a threat to water quality and aquatic ecosystems in the area. Environmental agencies are working to address the situation and mitigate the impact on the environment [805a6925].

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