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CSVT Project Sparks Economic Growth and Job Opportunities in Milton

2024-06-01 22:52:37.092000

The Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation project (CSVT) is expected to spark economic growth, create job opportunities, and impact redevelopment in Milton and surrounding communities. Rutter’s, Wawa, and Sheetz have announced expansion into new locations in Danville, Milton, and Montandon, bringing more than 100 jobs into Montour and Northumberland counties. The CSVT construction project is the biggest driver in these expansion plans. The growth possibilities brought on by the CSVT are exciting and will affect Milton, leading to a 50 percent increase in traffic on Mahoning Street. The CSVT is opening up the region and altering traffic patterns. The increased interest from prominent businesses reflects the untapped potential in the region and promises a bright future for the local economy. Rutter’s is opening a new location in Milton near the Thruway, which will be their largest location. Sheetz is planning a convenience store in Montandon. Wawa plans to open two new stores in Danville and Kelly Township. Overall, Wawa plans to open 12 new stores in Central Pennsylvania by the end of 2025. The CSVT is driving market growth and creating demand for convenience stores in the region. [c723ea76]

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