v0.21 🌳  

Palestinians' Lack of Faith in Biden and the Two-State Solution

2024-05-09 01:35:14.456000
[num] Gallup

Recent polls indicate that Palestinians have little to no trust in President Joe Biden to help negotiate peace and have lost faith in the two-state solution. According to a Gallup poll conducted in October 2023, 84% of Palestinians have little to no trust in President Biden to help negotiate peace [1f43a300]. The poll also revealed that support for a two-state solution among Palestinians has significantly decreased. In 2012, nearly six in 10 Palestinians endorsed the idea, but that number has now dropped to 24%. Younger Palestinians, in particular, are less likely to believe in a two-state solution, with only one in six Palestinians between the ages of 15 and 25 supporting it, compared to 34% of Palestinians aged 46 and older [1f43a300]. These findings suggest that Palestinians had low expectations for President Biden's visit to the Middle East and are increasingly skeptical about the prospects of a two-state solution. The cancellation of Biden's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after the bombing of a Gaza hospital further dampened hopes for progress [1f43a300].

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