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Investors Chronicle: John Baron Shares the Trusts He's Using to Ride the Stock Market Rally

2024-06-19 13:57:24.658000

Shares are enjoying a good run of late with even the much-maligned UK market doing well. Year-to-date figures to 31 May 2024 show total returns of 8.68 per cent for the FTSE All-Share Index, 9.65 per cent for the MSCI World (£) Index and 5.03 per cent for the FTSE All-Share Closed-Ended Index. Equity markets are building on the solid gains achieved last year. The challenge facing investors is to ensure adequate exposure to those markets offering better potential – and this may involve taking profits elsewhere.

John Baron, writing for Investors Chronicle, shares the trusts he's using to ride the stock market rally. Baron highlights the importance of adequate exposure to markets with better potential and suggests taking profits elsewhere when necessary. He emphasizes the need for a diversified portfolio and recommends several trusts that align with his investment strategy.

Baron recommends the Fidelity Special Values trust, which focuses on undervalued companies and has a strong track record. He also suggests the Allianz Technology Trust, which invests in global technology companies and has performed well. Additionally, Baron mentions the Schroder UK Public Private Trust, which provides exposure to private companies and has the potential for high returns. He also recommends the Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, which invests in global growth companies and has a long-term investment horizon.

Baron concludes by highlighting the importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence when selecting trusts. He advises investors to consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before making any decisions. Overall, Baron's recommendations provide investors with options to capitalize on the stock market rally and potentially achieve better returns.


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