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Kansas Tourism Boosts Local Economy with Attraction Development Grants

2023-11-13 19:17:04.475000

Kansas Tourism has announced the distribution of $500,000 in Attraction Development Grants to 14 communities across the state [33f7b507]. The grants aim to support the development of new tourism attractions or enhancements to existing sites. The fall 2023 funding will be split amongst 14 communities across the state for tourism attractions that either are being developed new or having enhancements made to existing sites [02829c11]. The Tourism Attraction Development Grant Program supports travel experiences that positively influence where individuals choose to visit, resulting in further economic impact through capital investment, job creation, revenue, and increased visitation [02829c11].

Additionally, the Kansas Department of Commerce has accepted 13 manufacturers into the Made in Kansas program, which promotes Kansas manufacturers to customers within the state and globally. Furthermore, 15 Kansas communities will receive a share of $2 million from the Community Development Block Grant-COVID Resiliency (CDBG-CVR) competitive grant program, funded by the CARES Act [33f7b507].

The Attraction Development Grant Program aims to support travel experiences that positively impact tourism, leading to economic growth, job creation, and increased visitation [33f7b507]. Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland and Kansas Tourism Director Bridgette Jobe both expressed their appreciation for the grants, highlighting their role in fostering economic growth, cultural richness, and unique experiences that draw visitors to Kansas [02829c11].

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