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Barbados Celebrates 57 Years of Independence, Achieves Rapid Economic Growth, and Caricom Reports Progress in 2023

2023-12-27 17:35:20.156000

Barbados celebrated its 57th year of independence with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley announcing that the country has been adjudged as the fifth fastest growing economy in the world. The government's commitment to inclusive growth and the transformation of the Barbados economy has been highlighted. Steps have been taken to address pensions systems, eliminate poverty, improve food security and agriculture, promote healthier lives, modernize the criminal justice system, and transform the education system. Mottley called on all citizens to cooperate and commit to the mission of transformation, emphasizing the need to do what can be done and change what must be changed, while being resilient to things beyond their control [15b574aa].

Caribbean Community (Caricom) Secretary General, Dr Carla Barnett, stated that progress was made in 2023 on programs and policies to positively impact the lives of the people in the region. The Caricom Secretariat will continue to administer the Community's priorities, including deepening economic integration and trade, strengthening foreign policy coordination, and human and social development. The focus is on implementing the free movement of all Caricom nationals within the Community by March 2024. Caricom celebrated its 50th anniversary of the signing of the original Treaty of Chaguaramas in 2023. The region made progress on reducing the food import bill and advocating for action on climate change. Caricom also advanced international partnerships and mechanisms to protect and promote the region's socio-economic interests. The perspectives and participation of young people were included in the regional Youth Forum held in Jamaica. The goal is to create a safe and prosperous community for all [821ee04d].

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