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Oman and Azerbaijan Explore Hydrogen Cooperation at International Summits

2024-04-15 07:22:49.795000

Oman's Energy Minister, Salim Al Aufi, and the Ambassador of Oman to Germany, Maitha Al Mahrouqi, visited the headquarters of VNG AG in Leipzig, Germany. They discussed the potential of hydrogen and its role in decarbonizing the industry, as well as the conditions for expanding the hydrogen market in Germany and Europe. The delegation also explored opportunities for greater cooperation between Oman and companies in the Central Germany region. Following their visit to VNG, the Omani delegation went to the Bad Lauchstädt Energy Park, where they learned about the progress of a flagship project for the energy transition. The project aims to establish an industrial-scale laboratory for the green hydrogen value chain, including a large-scale electrolysis plant, transportation and storage of green hydrogen, and a supply contract with TotalEnergies Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland [833e1576].

These discussions and visits highlight Oman's interest in exploring hydrogen cooperation with Germany and leveraging Germany's expertise in the hydrogen sector. The visit to VNG and the Bad Lauchstädt Energy Park provides Oman with insights into the development of green hydrogen projects and the potential for collaboration in the energy transition. This visit also strengthens the bilateral relations between Oman and Germany, particularly in the field of energy [833e1576].

In a separate development, Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov is scheduled to participate in the 2nd annual Green Hydrogen Summit in the UAE on April 16. Minister Shahbazov will serve as a keynote speaker during the forum's commencement in Abu Dhabi. Notable speakers joining him include Yoshida Nobuhiro, the Parliamentary Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and Frederik Wisselink, the Special Envoy for Energy of the Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Ministry of the Netherlands. The summit aims to discuss topics such as hydrogen's role in decarbonizing the energy sector and the necessary steps to enable the widespread adoption of green hydrogen. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will also be a guest at the summit. This participation by the Azerbaijani Energy Minister demonstrates Azerbaijan's commitment to exploring hydrogen cooperation and engaging in international discussions on the energy transition [ff283dea].

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