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Global DIY Summit in Rome Highlights Internationality, Diversity, and Partnership in the DIY Industry

2024-06-12 10:54:49.964000

The 10th Global DIY Summit took place in Rome, bringing together around 1,000 participants from 55 countries [74dd0651]. The theme of the summit was 'Embracing change in DIY - How to thrive in the never normal'. Inaki Maillard, head of the Summit team, emphasized the commitment to diversity and congratulated John Herbert, Managing Director of Edra/Ghin, on the international attendance [74dd0651]. Thierry Garnier, CEO of Kingfisher, and Reinhard Wolff, president of Hima, discussed the challenges of climate change and economic volatility [74dd0651]. Ira Kalish from Deloitte provided an outlook on the global economy, noting a stronger US economy and weaker development in Europe [74dd0651]. Sebastian Gundel, CEO of Obi, highlighted the importance of partnership and franchising as a growth driver [74dd0651]. The summit also addressed the role of French DIY retailers and important international markets [74dd0651]. The Global DIY Retail Legacy Award was presented to Cosimo Fadda [74dd0651]. Edra/Ghin sought advice on Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from Ricardo [74dd0651]. Boomex celebrated its 40th anniversary [74dd0651]. DoHome, a Thai home improvement retailing chain, experienced a decline in sales [74dd0651]. The mood in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Italy was worse than the figures, according to management consultant Winfried Titze [74dd0651].

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