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Is Joko Widodo's Political Legacy at Risk Amid Power Grabs?

2024-09-08 07:39:52.808000

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, once hailed as a symbol of 'New Hope,' is now facing significant backlash as allegations of dynasty building threaten his political legacy. Recent protests erupted against proposed legal changes perceived as power grabs intended to benefit his family. Notably, his son, Kaesang Pangarep, is positioned to run for governorship, while his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is set to become vice-president. This shift in public sentiment has transitioned from initial support to anger and disappointment, raising concerns about democratic regression and the potential misuse of state institutions [218fc723].

In his final State of the Nation address, Jokowi emphasized resource nationalism, advocating for policies that promote value-added processing within Indonesia. His administration has implemented a ban on the export of unprocessed mineral ores, starting with nickel in 2020, which has drawn criticism and legal challenges, including a lawsuit from the European Union (EU) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) [8b50e584]. Jokowi's plans to extend this ban to bauxite and copper, along with potential restrictions on tin, reflect his commitment to consolidating control over Indonesia's natural resources [5bf32791].

However, the current political climate is fraught with challenges. The recent death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has raised concerns about its impact on Indonesia's economy, prompting Finance Minister Sri Mulyani to monitor macroeconomic policies closely. The Indonesian rupiah has shown volatility against the US dollar, closing at Rp15,999 and opening stronger at Rp15,980. Analysts are particularly concerned about the oil markets' reactions amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions [5bf32791].

Moreover, Sri Mulyani has urged regional governments to remain vigilant against global economic threats, citing the weakening economies of the US, China, Europe, and Turkey as potential risks for Indonesia. She emphasized the need for controlling inflation at the regional level and suggested that local governments utilize their budgets to mitigate economic disturbances [f28f9c01].

In addition to these economic challenges, recent developments within Indonesia's corporate landscape have raised alarms. Tokopedia, a major e-commerce platform, has made significant workforce cuts following its consolidation with TikTok, which could impact the job market and consumer spending. Furthermore, Muhammadiyah, a prominent Islamic organization, has withdrawn trillions of rupiah from Bank Syariah Indonesia, potentially destabilizing the banking sector. The BPK (Supreme Audit Agency) has also detected significant fund diversions at Indofarma, a state-owned pharmaceutical company, highlighting concerns over financial mismanagement and corruption within state enterprises [f28f9c01].

As Jokowi's presidency nears its end, analysts suggest he may be consolidating power in anticipation of his departure. With Prabowo Subianto, the president-elect, likely to adopt similar political strategies, the future of Indonesia's democracy remains uncertain. The combination of economic challenges, allegations of nepotism, and public discontent poses a significant threat to Jokowi's legacy and the political landscape of Indonesia [218fc723].

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