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Australia-China Trade Reaches Record Level After Tariffs Are Lifted

2024-06-16 21:56:26.305000

The Australian wine industry, which has been grappling with challenges in the Chinese market, is now seeing a partial comeback. The import tariffs on Australian wine, which had been as high as 218.4%, were lifted on March 29, resulting in a significant increase in imports from Australia. This has allowed Australian winemakers and exporters to regain some of the market share they lost over the past three years. Prior to 2020, China was the largest market for Australian wine. The removal of import tariffs on EU wines could create an opening for Australian wine in China, as it would face reduced competition and higher prices. French winemakers are even considering a 'de-risking' strategy in case Beijing imposes punitive tariffs on imports from the EU. However, the Australian wine industry still faces challenges such as weak demand from the Chinese market and increasing competition from beer and spirits. [5814402e]

Australia's trade with China has reached a record level after the lifting of tariffs. China has become Australia's largest trading partner, with exports to China increasing by 40% in the first half of the year. The surge in trade comes amid tensions between the two countries. The increase in trade is driven by strong demand for Australian commodities, particularly iron ore. While the lifting of tariffs is seen as a positive development for Australia's economy, there are concerns about the country's dependence on China for trade. [9b0362c3]

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