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Accusations of Antisemitism in Congress: Rep. Thomas Massie Faces Criticism over 'Zionism' Meme

2023-12-06 05:25:59.393000

Controversy surrounding Rep. Rashida Tlaib's views on Israel continues to escalate as accusations of antisemitism now extend to Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky. Massie is facing criticism from top Democrats and the White House for sharing a meme on social media that implied Congress prioritizes Zionism over American patriotism. The meme featured a photo of rapper Drake with the captions 'Congress these days' and 'American patriotism.' The White House condemned the post as antisemitic and called on all Americans, including House GOP leadership, to denounce it. [4c1d09f2]

In response to the White House's condemnation, Massie suggested that the focus should be on condemning the Democrats who refused to support a resolution condemning antisemitism. Jewish Democratic representatives encouraged their fellow Democrats to vote 'present' on the resolution, arguing that it failed to account for the complexity of Judaism and ignored anti-Zionist sects within the religion. Last week, the House approved a resolution affirming Israel's right to exist, with Massie and Democrat Rashida Tlaib being the only no votes. [4c1d09f2]

The controversy surrounding Rep. Rashida Tlaib's views on Israel has also led to her censure by the House of Representatives. The censure, one step below expulsion, came after enough Democrats joined with Republicans to rebuke Tlaib. The debate on the censure resolution was emotional and intense, with Republicans accusing Tlaib of promoting antisemitic rhetoric. Tlaib defended her stance, stating that criticizing the government of Israel is not antisemitic and that it is important to separate people and government. The censure resolution against Tlaib is seen as a severe reproach from her colleagues. This is the second time this year that a Muslim-American woman in Congress has been formally admonished for criticism of Israel. The push to censure Tlaib is part of a growing trend in the House, where censure resolutions are becoming routine and often wielded in partisan ways. The vote against Tlaib took place amid political tensions over the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, with divisions emerging in the Democratic Party about the American response. Some on the left have criticized President Joe Biden's stance and called for conditions on U.S. support for Israel. The censure resolution against Tlaib was read aloud in the House, although it carries no practical effect. [3f224606]

The controversy surrounding Rep. Rashida Tlaib's views on Israel has sparked a broader discussion about antisemitism in Congress. An article in the New York Post highlights the accusations of antisemitism directed at Rep. Thomas Massie for sharing a meme that implied Congress prioritizes Zionism over American patriotism. The White House condemned the post as antisemitic, and Jewish Democratic representatives encouraged their fellow Democrats to vote 'present' on a resolution condemning antisemitism. The article emphasizes the importance of opposing atrocities without being labeled as antisemitic and calls for the protection of all lives, regardless of nationality or ethnicity. [4c1d09f2] [b9c87084]

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