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Global Declaration Calls for 100% Renewable Energy Transition

2023-12-03 17:49:40.068000

In a recent declaration by the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform, there is a call for a transition to a 100% clean renewable-based energy system. The declaration emphasizes that renewable energy is both technically and economically feasible, and it offers numerous benefits such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and universal accessibility. The declaration also highlights the need for a just and equitable phase-out of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, along with strong energy efficiency measures. It emphasizes that the transition to renewable energy should be democratic, inclusive, and participatory, with wealthier nations taking the lead in achieving net-zero emissions. The declaration further encourages increased deployment of renewable energy beyond 2030 and across all sectors. It calls for the development of national and subnational renewable energy targets, with independent monitoring and transparent participation. Local and regional governments are seen as key actors in the transition, and citizens and communities are encouraged to take control of their energy supply. The declaration emphasizes that renewable energy not only addresses the climate crisis but also provides universal access to clean electricity, reduces air pollution, creates jobs, and makes energy systems more resilient and democratic.

This declaration aligns with the growing global recognition of the importance of transitioning to clean energy. It reinforces the urgency of phasing out fossil fuels and nuclear energy in order to address the climate crisis and achieve environmental sustainability. The declaration emphasizes the need for strong energy efficiency measures and the development of renewable energy targets at various levels of governance. It also highlights the role of local and regional governments, as well as citizens and communities, in driving the transition to renewable energy. By promoting a just and equitable transition, the declaration aims to ensure that the benefits of renewable energy are accessible to all and that the transition is inclusive and participatory. Overall, the declaration calls for a comprehensive and coordinated effort to transition to a 100% clean renewable-based energy system.

The declaration comes at a time when the world is grappling with the challenges of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It underscores the importance of renewable energy as a solution to these challenges and highlights the multiple benefits that renewable energy offers. The declaration also recognizes the role of renewable energy in creating jobs, reducing air pollution, and making energy systems more resilient. By calling for a just and equitable transition, the declaration seeks to ensure that the benefits of renewable energy are shared by all and that no one is left behind. It emphasizes the need for strong policies and targets to drive the transition and calls on governments at all levels to take action. The declaration also emphasizes the role of citizens and communities in driving the transition and calls for their active participation. Overall, the declaration provides a roadmap for a sustainable and inclusive energy future.

The Global 100% Renewable Energy Declaration is a significant milestone in the global effort to transition to clean and renewable energy sources. It reinforces the urgency and feasibility of achieving a 100% clean energy system and highlights the numerous benefits that renewable energy offers. The declaration calls for a just and equitable transition, with wealthier nations taking the lead in achieving net-zero emissions. It emphasizes the need for increased deployment of renewable energy beyond 2030 and across all sectors. The declaration also recognizes the role of local and regional governments, as well as citizens and communities, in driving the transition to renewable energy. By promoting transparency, participation, and inclusivity, the declaration aims to ensure that the benefits of renewable energy are accessible to all and that the transition is sustainable and resilient. Overall, the declaration provides a clear roadmap for a sustainable and renewable energy future.

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