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Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Prevent Commercial Border Closures, Rep. Arrington Celebrates Legislation to Rename Ports-to-Plains Corridor, and TAMIU's Covarrubias Presents on 'Smart Borders'

2024-05-13 13:54:33.384000

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has introduced the Keeping International Land Ports of Entry Open Act to prevent the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from closing commercial ports of entry at the southern border. The bill is supported by various groups, including the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the American Trucking Associations, and the Texas Trucking Association. In December, several border entry points were partially or fully closed due to high levels of migrant crossings. These closures resulted in an estimated $250 million in commerce being shut down each day. The bill specifically prohibits the transfer of DHS staff from an international port of entry along the southwest border, unless it would not impact trade processing or the staff would be immediately replaced or needed for physical detentions. The bill aims to ensure that lawful commerce continues to invest in the Texas economy by prohibiting the Biden administration from closing ports of entry on the Southern border, except in limited circumstances. [8af339f4]

Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) celebrated his bipartisan legislation to rename the interstate-designated segments of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor to “I-27.” This legislation being signed into law marks an important step in the project that connects the ports of South Texas to the plains of West Texas and beyond, stimulating substantial economic growth and providing a competitive edge to producers and manufacturers throughout the region. In 2022, Chairman Arrington signed into law his legislation to designate the portion of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor from Laredo, Texas, through the Panhandle to Dumas, Texas, as a future interstate route, making it eligible for federal funding. The expansion of the I-27 corridor is estimated to grow Texas’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by over $55.6 billion in the first 20 years, create 178,600 construction jobs, and add 17,000 long-term employment opportunities. The Ports-to-Plains Corridor extends from South Texas to West Texas and through eight states in America’s Heartland. It serves traditional resources like oil and gas as well as renewable resources like wind, solar, and biofuels. The corridor also serves the agriculture industry, running through four of the top eight farming states, and serves major international border crossings connecting Texas to Mexico and connecting Montana and North Dakota to Canada. The Ports-to-Plains Alliance Corridor is a connectivity and economic development corridor running through small towns and rural communities in America’s Heartland. Upgrading the corridor to a modern four-lane, divided facility would provide a cost-effective way to reduce congestion on Interstate-25 and Interstate-35. [cedec2a7]

Dr. Daniel Covarrubias, TAMIU's Director of the Texas A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business Texas Center for Border Economic and Enterprise Development, delivered the keynote address at the 2024 NASCO Continental Reunion in Monterrey, Mexico on April 30. The NASCO Continental Reunion is an annual event that brings together key stakeholders involved in trade and transportation between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Covarrubias discussed the importance of leveraging technology to make cross-border trade and transportation more efficient, secure, and resilient. He highlighted smart border technologies such as digital customs systems, automated risk assessment tools, and blockchain-enabled supply chain tracking. Covarrubias emphasized the need for collaboration and integration to fully realize the benefits of these technologies. He also addressed the emerging 'digital wall' between the U.S. and Mexico due to a lack of integration between each country's digital border systems and called for greater collaboration and standardization. Covarrubias presented data on the rapid growth and impact of Logistechs on supply chain, logistics, and international trade. He stressed the importance of collaborative innovation and international cooperation in standardizing procedures and sharing data for the seamless operation of smart borders. Covarrubias sees events like the NASCO Continental Reunion as crucial in fostering collaboration and driving progress in leveraging emerging technologies for international trade. [fefee00b]

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