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'Smart alec' fined $10k after failed appeals over sign mocking Chinese Communist Party

2024-05-24 04:28:49.131000

A Brisbane law student named Drew Pavlou has been fined $1,000 by the Brisbane City Council for holding up a sign mocking the Chinese Communist Party outside the Chinese consulate. Pavlou has made two unsuccessful attempts to challenge the fines and now owes $10,000 in court costs. The fines were issued for holding the sign and refusing to move after being ordered by a council staff member. The first appeal was dismissed by Magistrate Michael Holohan, who referred to Pavlou as a 'smart alec'. The second appeal was rejected by Judge Paul Smith, who ruled that the council did not unreasonably violate Pavlou's freedom of speech. Pavlou is considering appealing the decision for a third time in the Supreme Court [f5ea12f8].

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