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India Commemorates Archbishop Oscar Romero on International Day for Human Rights and Celebrates International Day of Conscience

2024-04-26 16:32:54.507000

On March 24, 2024, India commemorates the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, a martyr of modern times. The United Nations General Assembly observes this day as the 'International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims'. Romero was brutally gunned down in El Salvador in 1980 for his outspoken criticism of the government and military's exploitation and exclusion of the poor [b51436c7].

In an opinion piece by Cedric Prakash on Countercurrents.org, the author highlights the relevance of Archbishop Romero's message in the current Indian context. The article emphasizes the need for leaders who are not afraid to speak truth to power and take a stand for justice and truth. India is currently facing issues of untruth and injustice, with corruption being mainstreamed and minorities being targeted. The author calls for India to become a nation of 'Romeros' who are ready to fight for justice and rise above evil [b51436c7].

Amidst the ongoing efforts to promote peace and harmony in India, Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore has called for a Day of Prayer and Fasting on March 22, 2024. The Archbishop expressed concerns over various socio-political issues in the country, including the increasing impoverishment of the masses, the monopoly of crony capitalists, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, unemployment among educated youth, large-scale migration of the rural poor, and the proliferation of hate speeches. He also condemned the erosion of fundamental rights, the dilution of minority rights, and the harassment faced by minorities. Archbishop Machado criticized the state of politics in India, describing it as afflicted by populism, polarization, post-truth, and personality cults [25f70a3a].

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) has also called for the Day of Prayer and Fasting, urging citizens to engage in prayer, fasting, and recitation of a special prayer. Archbishop Machado appealed to political leaders to uphold the Constitution and citizens to vote responsibly. He reiterated demands for the recognition of Scheduled Caste status for Dalit Christians and the protection of rights for discriminated minorities [25f70a3a].

In a recent development, Bengaluru Archbishop Peter Machado has called on Christians to observe March 22 as a day of fasting and prayer to ensure that democratic traditions of the country are preserved by candidates elected in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He emphasized the need to choose leaders who are secular, non-communal, non-corrupt, and committed to democratic traditions. The Archbishop also highlighted rising concerns in India, including poverty, crony capitalism, unemployment, hate speeches, violations of fundamental rights, erosion of pluralistic and secular ethos, dilution of minority rights, and the bulldozing of homes, shops, and places of worship of minorities on flimsy accusations. He expressed concern over the weakening of democratic institutions, the undermining of the federal structure, the co-opting of the media, the harassment of opposition by investigating agencies, and the suborning of Constitutional bodies. The Archbishop has previously expressed anguish over incidents of religious intolerance and has called for the government to recognize the Scheduled Caste status of Dalit Christians and safeguard the rights of other discriminated minorities [e7c1113b].

Meanwhile, on April 5, 2024, the International Day of Conscience was celebrated with the theme 'Promoting the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience'. The day raises awareness of the importance of building a culture of peace with love and awareness. It was recognized by the United Nations General Assembly on July 25, 2019, with the adoption of a resolution. The concept of a culture of peace emerged from the International Congress on Peace in the Minds of Men in July 1989. The International Day of Conscience was declared on April 5 by the United Nations General Assembly in 2019. The day emphasizes treating each other with compassion and developing a sense of brotherhood to prevent cruelty. It also highlights the necessity of maintaining peaceful relations and protecting future generations from the violence of wars. The International Day of Conscience is an important step towards raising awareness on conscience, human rights, and human dignity. It is needed in the age of hate crimes and war crimes [d56728f4].

In the United States, a grassroots movement called #DontMessWithOurKids has organized a nationwide day of prayer and protest at every state capitol and the District of Columbia on April 13, 2024. The movement aims to decry perceived infringements on fundamental rights, including the right to govern children's medical care, raise them in sexual purity, worship freely, and speak without censorship. The event in California will be held at the California State Capitol on April 13, from 1-3 p.m., and will include prayer, communion, and reformation strategies. The movement believes in the power of prayer and invites all those who wish to stand and intercede for the nation and its children to attend [a2dee56f].

The 5th International Day of Conscience was celebrated on April 5, 2024. The Permanent Mission of Kiribati to the UN and the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) organized the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the UN Headquarters in New York on April 4, 2024. Teburoro Tito, the Ambassador of Kiribati to the United Nations, expressed gratitude to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of FOWPAL, for initiating the International Day of Conscience. The summit included the ringing of the Bell of World Peace and Love and speeches by various leaders emphasizing the power of hope and conscience in creating a better world. The summit concluded with a sense of unity and purpose, highlighting the role of conscience, love, and hope in shaping a better world [0918c4d5].

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