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Radio Host Resigns After Using Pre-Selected Questions in Biden Interview

2024-07-07 21:53:47.573000

President Biden's campaign provided pre-approved questions to two radio hosts for his first interviews following his debate performance, according to an article by NewsLooks. The interviews took place on Black radio shows in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and were intended to restore confidence in Biden's ability to govern and campaign effectively. Host Earl Ingram stated that Biden's aides directly sent him a list of four questions without negotiation, while Andrea Lawful-Sanders received eight questions and selected four. The Biden campaign defended this practice, stating that it is common to suggest questions and that the questions were relevant to current events and Biden's record.

This revelation adds to the ongoing scrutiny of Biden's media interactions and raises questions about the transparency and independence of these interviews. Critics argue that pre-approved questions undermine the authenticity of the interview process and limit the opportunity for challenging or probing inquiries. It also highlights the strategic efforts by political campaigns to control the narrative and present their candidate in the most favorable light.

According to CNN, radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders has resigned from WURD Radio after admitting her post-debate interview with President Joe Biden included questions that were pre-selected by Biden’s campaign team. The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates the station's practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to its listeners. WURD Radio and Lawful-Sanders have mutually agreed to part ways. The move has further inflamed the maelstrom that has been swirling over Biden’s acuity since his lackluster performance in the first presidential debate. Both Lawful-Sanders and another host asked Biden essentially the same questions. The Biden campaign said it will no longer suggest questions to interviewers.


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