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Katalysen Ventures AB Announces Positive Impact on Portfolio Value with Strategic Partnerships and Corteva Launches Ag-Tech Innovation Platform

2024-03-19 14:34:23.504000

Katalysen Ventures AB, an investment company based in Sweden, has announced important portfolio updates that have had a positive impact on the value of their portfolio. They have conducted a write-down with a negative impact on book value, but the overall impact on the portfolio of shares, options, and convertibles has increased by +10.7 MSEK (+6.7%) [a408c209]. Katalysen Ventures actively supports their portfolio of early-stage innovation ventures and empowers entrepreneurs through strategic guidance and hands-on support. They have recently entered into strategic partnerships with Garde Design AB and Tetrad Capital Partners to integrate brand building and design into startups' business strategies and pave the way for seamless access to the Europe-India business corridor by SaaS companies [a408c209]. Katalysen Ventures focuses on investing knowledge, time, and capital in customer companies in the early stages, particularly those in the fintech sector. They also provide consulting services to unlisted growth companies to help reduce risk factors and ensure continued development [a408c209].

Corteva, Inc. has launched Corteva Catalyst, a platform aimed at fostering agricultural technology advancements. The platform will partner with entrepreneurs and innovators to develop early-stage technologies that help farmers increase sustainable food production. Corteva Catalyst will focus on four key areas: genome editing, biologicals and natural products, technology platforms, and decision science. Corteva is a global agriculture company that delivers solutions to address agricultural challenges [077a665a].

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