v0.02 🌳  

Collaboration between Bank Rakyat and MNC Kapital to Drive Regional Economic Development and Inclusive Banking

2024-02-20 09:21:13.281000

The collaboration between Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd (Bank Rakyat) and PT MNC Kapital Indonesia (MNC Kapital) is expected to have a positive impact on the regional economy. The partnership aims to provide Shariah-compliant financing facilities and inclusive banking products and services to Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who will work in Malaysia. This collaboration was formed through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two parties. The Minister of Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Development, Datuk Ewon Benedick, highlighted that this cooperation can also strengthen bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia. [1ced39a9]

The cooperation between Bank Rakyat and MNC Kapital is significant as it addresses the financial needs of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia. By providing Shariah-compliant financing facilities, these workers can access financial services that align with their religious beliefs. Additionally, the inclusive banking products and services offered by the collaboration can contribute to the economic development of the region. This partnership not only benefits the migrant workers but also fosters closer ties between Malaysia and Indonesia. [1ced39a9]

In another development, the Milton Keynes Ethnic Business Community (MKEBC) and Whitecap Consulting have partnered to develop the "Milton Keynes Ethnic Business Impact Report." The report aims to understand the positive influence of the ethnic business community on Milton Keynes' economy. The Whitecap team will conduct research to estimate the economic contributions of ethnically diverse populations and businesses, as well as undertake a broader analysis using company information, innovation insights, and interviews with leaders from ethnically diverse backgrounds. The project will result in a comprehensive report that sheds light on the barriers these businesses face and offers strategies to foster a more inclusive, supportive business environment. Milton Keynes organizations are invited to financially sponsor the project and contribute to the research. [20ee8b94]

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