v0.06 🌳  

Rochester Vendors Rally to Support LGBTQ+ Social Justice Causes During Pride Month

2024-06-22 20:44:18.897000

Several vendors, performers, and groups in Rochester, NY, gathered to raise funds for LGBTQ+ social justice causes and support community-led organizations during Pride Month. Pride Month originated in 1999 when President Bill Clinton declared every June in America as 'Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.' Brands like West Elm have contributed over $650,000 to support approximately 7,000 LGBTQ+ youth in crisis. The vendors are partnering with queer vendors to raise funds nationally and support local groups like the MOCHA Center of Rochester. Drag performers also use their art to challenge gender stereotypes and address social issues. The organizers aim to drive visibility and make an impact towards equality and inclusion year-round. [c52c3f2d]

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